Pretension: What is it and how do I set it?

What is pretension and how do you set it?

What is Pretension?

Prior to starting any test on the TruStrength you will be required to set a "pretension".  

The pretension is much like the "quiet phase" on the force plates. This sets the baseline force prior to starting your test which becomes the threshold that determines when each of the selected number of repetitions start and end.  


How to set the Pretension

  1. Set up your TruStrength device in the desired orientation and set up for the test you wish to do.  
  2. Have your test subject place the part of their body you wish to test on the TruStrength, and apply a slight, constant pressure to the device. 
  3. Press the play button, and ask the subject to remain still for 1-2 seconds to establish the baseline pretension. 
  4. To set the baseline pretension, press play again, and officially start the test.