How to create an API token

Guide to creating API tokens for linking your Hawkin database with an external analysis system.

Step 1: Login to your cloud account at 

Please note, only the Org Administrator (the account with the highest level of access) is able to create API tokens.  Please contact if you are unsure of your organization's administrator.

Step 2: Click settings, and then integrations


Step 3: On the integrations page, click the teal plus button

api keys

Step 4: On the resulting dialog window, give your API key a name, and click "Create Key."  

Step 5: Copy the API URL and Token and store them somewhere secure, as you will not be able to see them again once you close the dialog box.  

Please treat this token the same way you treat your username and password and store it somewhere safe.  As soon as you close this dialog you will no longer be able to see the token.